Thank you to everyone who wrote to their MSP and helped to make this a well attended debate.
The impact of Covid-19 on the lives of women in Scotland
Member's Debate, Scottish Parliament
WES is calling for a more equal economy to support the wellbeing of everyone in Scotland. The lives of women have been impacted by Covid 19 due to the increased pressures of caring for family and school closures. Women are also more likely to be working in, or own businesses, in the sectors most severely hit by the pandemic.
During the Cross Party Group on Women in Enterprise AGM in September 2020 Gillian Martin MSP commented that the experiences of women during the pandemic are worthy of a member’s motion.
A member’s debate was held on 11 February 2021 where Gillian Martin MSP for Aberdeenshire East will introduced a member’s debate on the impact of Covid-19 on the lives of women in Scotland.
We aimed for all MSPs to have information on the experience of women in their constituency so they could support the motion and contribute to the debate.
We asked women across Scotland to write to their MSP using the letter templates below.

Don't forget you have regional MSPs as well, so you can write to them too!
Need help finding your MSP? Use your postcode here