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Lead With WES Programme, Inverclyde

Women’s Enterprise Scotland (WES) is working with Riverside Inverclyde to deliver this women’s leadership development programme.

The ‘Lead With WES programme’ is designed for women business owners wishing to lead their business through growth to become a sustainable, high performing organisation.

We will help business-women increase their confidence in leadership by enabling you to strategically analyse your business against your vision for the future, develop, implement and evaluate strategies to grow your business using models and tools. We will also help you to identify your leadership style and develop your leadership and management skills to embed the learning into your business.


Cost per applicant is £640 with potential funding 50% support from Inverclyde Council. Further details will be shared upon application.

Applicants can sign up via Eventbrite and will be contacted and invoiced separately.


We would expect participants of the programme to:

Identify your business growth goals and objectives

Strategically analyse your business and financial performance

Create your own business strategy and plan for growth

Develop your leadership and management skills

Implement your plan for growth

Evaluate your performance and plan for sustainable growth


A blended learning approach will be used to ensure that everyone’s learning needs and preferences are adhered to. By blending the use of workshops and online content, you will be able to both work on and in your business during the programme.

Four, one-day workshops are scheduled to allow face to face training, facilitated group discussions and sharing of experiences. The workshops will focus on equipping you with the skills and knowledge required to implement what you learn in your business.

All workshops will take place from 10:00 – 16:00.



The first session will allow you to build their vision of what growth and success looks like for you in the context of your business and your life. We will enable the businesswomen to set growth goals and articulate their visions.

Using models to aid organisational design and development

Analyse your business structure and financial performance to help set realistic goals

Align your business strategy, people and processes to your values and mission


Whether you have a large team or are a sole trader, we’ll look at leadership styles and communication skills to enable you to communicate assertively and with confidence. We’ll work with you to create a personal development plan to build your confidence in leadership.

Build on communication and motivation skills to lead a team or work with stakeholders

Understand how to develop your leadership skills and adapt your leadership style

Communicate clearly, assertively and with confidence with all levels of your organisation

MANAGING CHANGE – 12 June 2019

Drawing on research from the fields of management, neuroscience and psychology, we’ll look at how to manage change effectively.

How organisational culture impacts change

Tools and models to manage change effectively

Communicating and motivating for change

LEADING FOR GROWTH – 28 August 2019

We’ll help you put all of the knowledge and skills from earlier sessions together to develop your own action plan for growth.

Develop an action plan for growth, including financial projections

Implement this within your business

Evaluating both financial and operational performance and sustaining growth


Participants will have access to a digital portal where you can access materials to support your learning such as reading lists, downloadable models and frameworks, case studies and course materials.


The private Facebook group is an integral part of the programme. It will contain updates and ideas, links to the course materials and it's how we will help you implement the content from the course. It will provide peer to peer support and accountability and support for a year.


Riverside Inverclyde, Ladyburn Business Centre, 20 Pottery Street, Greenock, PA15 2UH




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